Saturday, June 27, 2009

Warung Nasi Ampera - Jakarta

Warung Nasi Ampera (Ampera Restaurant) is serving the authentic Sundanese food (Sundanese is the West Java ethnic).

It has opened since mid-1970s in Bandung - the capital city of West Java, Indonesia. Until today, it already has more than 50 branches around Indonesia (almost 30 branches are located in Bandung).

The way of serving food is like a buffet style where you can choose and put what you like to eat on your plate and pay exactly for the food that you are taking. Oh.. and in case, you like eating brown rice, you can ask for brown rice instead of white rice :)

The varieties of food that you can choose:

Fried Anchovy cooked with stinky beans plus red and green chilies, Stinky beans, Grilled squids in sticks (with or without sauce).

Fried intestines in sticks, Corn pancakes, Fried cow's tripe, fried cow's spleen.

Fried eel, Fried fish (Common/ European carp), Fish cooked with sweet soy sauce and tomato, Fried chicken with coconut.

Tofu (bean curd) soaked into turmeric, Potato pancakes (croquette), Shrimp pancakes, Fried shrimp in sticks.

Fried fish, Chicken boiled with turmeric.

Innards in sticks and also being soaked in turmeric.

Fried fish (2 types of fish), chicken soaked in sweet soy sauce (you can ask them to grill or fry it)

Steamed Food (i.e: chicken, tofu, fish and etc.) being wrapped in banana leaves.

Not sure whether this can be considered as salad.
The 4 authentic chili sauces. Each chili sauce has it owns special ingredients beside the chili.

Fresh vegetables - lettuce, cabbage, basil leaves, cucumber, etc. dipped and eaten with chili sauce. It's free of charges.

It might not be a fancy restaurant but with the good authentic Sundanese taste and also reasonable prices, you might would love to eat at this restaurant, in fact, the original restaurant in Bandung is one of the favorite eating places of our current President and his wife :)

Pictures were taken at:
Warung Nasi Ampera
Jl. H. Agus Salim (Sabang)
Jakarta Pusat

The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal tastebuds. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here.


  1. i luv it! I'm one of those who like to take a bit of everyhin with my rice...& i'm sure those in the pkts of banana leaves must be real fragrant & tasty! Hre in Msia Sundanese food is very expensive..
    Indo food too.

  2. TNG: Wow, there's Sundanese food in Malaysia? I thought only Balinese food :) Well, Sundanese food can be also very expensive for us if it's in those nice restaurants, hehehe...

  3. I would love to taste everything on the menu!!

  4. peachkins: That would be nice ;)

  5. Sundanese food is new to me. Which one is your favourite? The chilly paste looks appetizing to me. ;p

  6. You always have such informative posts! Love them!

  7. Oh gosh, I love buffets!
    this one looks like a very healthy one, I love all the veg choices you have here! Indonesia sounds like such a diverse place, it just sounds like you're exposed to so many ethnic sub-groups and, most importantly, their foods!

  8. Wow, there is so much food! Thank you for taking the time to explain everything. I wouldn't have been able to recognize most of the things in those photos!

  9. What a buffet!! I think I like everything on it!

  10. I do love a good buffet, but me and innards do not go hand in hand. I'll stick with the potato panacakes, the fried shrimp and coconut chicken-- I'm so adventurous!

  11. wow so much to choose from - I will take a little of each please...

  12. I wouldn't know where to begin with such a delicious looking assortment in front of me. I'll have to have you at my side if I ever make it to Jakarta.

  13. Everytime I look at your blog pictures, I am drooling and getting really home sick. Thank you for sharing and reminding us who live abroad, what a wonderful array of local food that we have.

  14. FFT: I think my favorite is the fried fish. If you ever visit Indonesia, make sure to try out Sundanese food ;)

    finsmom: Glad to share them :)

    marta: You are so right about the diverse of ethnic sub-groups. We have more than 13 millions island and 200 populations, so you can imagine it ;)

  15. mica: Hahaha, even sometimes for us, Indonesia, we need to ask or read the tag at the side of the food to figure it out.

    HOGF: I think you will ;)

    monica: Hehehe… I understand that not everyone is a fan of innards.

  16. sophie: Hopefully you will visit Indonesia, someday :)

    doggybloggy: Sure, sounds great! So you can have a taste of each dish :)

  17. mary: I would be so happy to bring you around to try the food here in Jakarta, Mary :)

    tuty: I’m so glad that I can share a little bit of our local food in my blog. Don’t droll too much on your screen, ok *j/k… hehehe* :)

  18. What a cool restaurant, I wouldn't know where to start! Everything looks so good!

  19. eating in a group in this place will be fun!

  20. kerstin: I think you have try it all, hehehe...

    foodbin: Yes, absolutely fun :)

  21. Wow, lots of variety to choose from.

  22. What a assorted menu, I’m craving the steamed food wrapped in banana leaves ..a spicy chicken sound good :)



  23. little inbox: yes, a lot of varieties, can't be bored easily :)

    gera: Good choice, those steamed food have nice fragrance and also much healthier than the fried ones :)

  24. I would love to try Sundanese food! So many delicious dishes here!

  25. 5 star foodie: I think you will love Sundanese food :)

  26. What a delicious buffet.. but how do you choose!

  27. donna: hehehe... just choose the ones that you like to try or eat ;)

  28. I'm drooling! What gorgeous food!



  29. rosa's yummy yums: You gotta try it! :D

  30. Selba, bisa kirim ke U.S? Jadi ngiler sekali ...

  31. elra: I wish I could send it to you by parcel :D

    food paradise: yes... indeed :)

  32. mmmmmmmmm, thinking of all the yummie food i can eat , now we've finished our run ! haha

  33. cumi & ciki: After burning a lot of calories by running, now time to hit the yummy food! Yay!

  34. Everything looks fascinating! I'm not sure about the fried intestines in sticks, Fried cow's tripe, and fried cow's spleen though...but if it's fried, I guess it must be good? lol.

  35. Nice resto. Like the Dapur Desa where I enjoyed similar variety in Surabaya. Tend to over-eat.

  36. burpandslurp: You are not a big fan of innards? Hehehe….

    mimid3vils: Yes, a lot! Hehehe….

    worldwindows: Hahaha… true, we tend to over-eat in this kind of restaurant.

  37. Interesting food in so many choices packed and steamed in leaves.

  38. I love that there's so much variety! Looks like a great place.

  39. There's so many yummy looking dishes that I'd have trouble making up my mind!
    Great post, Selby!

  40. Oh, even a favourite restaurant of the President? Must be really good then. So many varieties of food to choose from. Looks good, would definitely visit this restaurant if I travel to Indonesia. :)

  41. gosh that's a lot of choices of dishes

  42. what a display!! I'm thinking I would try most of the seafood, but no intestines or tripe for me ;)

    Looks really good altogether--what was your favorite?

  43. ck lam: Yes, many choices :)

    sara: The place itself actually is a very simple restaurant but the great part is the variety of the food :)

    Lynda: thanks, Lynda :)

  44. sugar bean: Sundanese food is one of a “must” to try when you visit Indonesia ;)

    babe_kl: Yes, it is! Hehehe….

    tavolini: My favorite will be the fried fish or the sweet soysauce chicken grilled :)

  45. shell: Hi Shell, thanks for dropping by my blog. Yes, I think many Indonesian dishes look similar to Malaysian dishes :)

  46. so much good food! makes me crave for Sundanese food, there is Sundanese restaurants here :D

  47. Kalau di Bandung where should i go?mind to give me the address?

  48. noobcook: great that there are Sundanese restaurants around your place :)

    yan68: Here is one of the address in Bandung that you can go: Jl. Pajajaran No. 133, Bojonegara, Bandung

  49. Only eat rice and fried chicken, then u got a full loaded belly,hahahahhaha...I'm in love to their pepes peda, sambal goang, sambal oncom...well, usually if I don't have much money, I will order only rice and sambal oncom :D...

  50. meinekueche: Warm rice with sambal oncom is already delicious, no need other dishes ;)
