Thursday, July 2, 2009

Huize Trivelli

My friend has been telling me about this interesting heritage restaurant and patisserie named "Huize Trivelli" that serves traditional Indonesian dishes that have been adjusted to Dutch dishes or vice versa.

So yesterday, my friend brought me to this restaurant for a nice lunch :)

As soon as, I entered I directly could feel the peaceful and nice ambiance with nice old Indonesian songs mixed with Dutch language being played in the background in the restaurant.

This restaurant was built in the late 1930s as a home for a Dutch family. FYI, Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch for 300 years. And since 2006, this family home has been converted into a restaurant.

Huize Trivelli's decoration is based on the antique Javanese - European and Chinese cultural traditions.

I guess enough introduction of the restaurant and without further ado, let's get right into the pictures to tell more ;)

The Entrance.

The Garden

Inside the Huize Trivelli

And finally the food pictures ;)

Trivelli Vegetables Salad
(Lettuce, green pepper, red pepper, yellow pepper, cucumber, tomato)
Rp. 17.500

Trivelli Beef Stroganoff
(Pan Fried with beef and mashed potato)
Price: Rp. 55.000

Trivelli Chateaubriand Aux Champignons
(Dutch-Indisch style Pan-fried beef with homemade sauce and mushrooms)
Price: Rp. 55.000

Trivelli Bier Pletok Betawi a la Creme
(a drink made from pandan leaves, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger)
Price Rp. 15.000
All prices are subject to 10% tax
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 10.250

Huize Trivelli:
Jl. Tanah Abang 2 No. 108
Cideng - Jakarta Pusat

The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. what an incredibly cute and quaint restaurant....

  2. Quite a nice dining environment.

  3. love the deco....simply lovely!!

  4. What a beautiful place I like the decoration and the food look totally unbelievable :)

    I need this beef Stroganoff for my dinner ;-)



  5. a classic place with good food to eat-love the decor!

  6. The restaurant has such charm!

  7. That's a quaint restaurant I would love to visit. That beef stroganoff looks so creamy and was it?

  8. i love Beef Stroganoff, esp served with butter rice. delectable stuff.

    the ambience is well worth the price.

  9. What a pretty restaurant - it has so much character! The food looks yummy too.

  10. doggybloggy: Hehehe.. I think I agree with the word cute for this little restaurant.

    little inbox: Yes, with the soft music background, it’s quite nice :)

    simple girl: Yup, me too :)

  11. gera: Ah… you are making beff Stroganoff? Yummy….

    foodbin: Yes, indeed…

    donna: Yes …

  12. peachkins: You are right, the beef stroganoof is creamy and delicious :)

    j2kfm: Yuuuummmm… you make me hungry!

    Kerstin: Yes, interesting, right? ;)

  13. This place looks so quaint! I love the decor.

  14. mica: Soooo quaint indeed ;)

  15. ah..... the interior of the shops are so antique. ^-^

  16. err..the names darn hard to pronounce eh!
    No desc of the food? it is good?

  17. TNG: Hahaha.. yeah, a little bit hard to pronounce them. Uhmmm... bad me, should describe about the food, was too much into showing the interior decor, anyway, yup, food is yummy :D

  18. Such a charming restaurant Selba...What a delightful way to spend a day. The food looks quite tempting...

    Thanks for sharing...

  19. louise: Glad to share the experience eating at this restaurant :)

  20. Very charming and beautiful restaurant and the food looks superb here!

  21. I love the old world ambiance of this restaurant. The food also looks incredibly good.

  22. What a beautiful place. I love the intricate designs in the wood.

    I came by to tell you that Martha Stewart is having a cute cupcake competition. You should enter your cupcakes. They are so adorable.

  23. I luv the antique furniture and deco. Looks like a muzeum to me!

  24. 5 star foodie: I wish I could try more the other food :)

    mary: Me too, I also love the old world ambiance, besides I love history and culture :)

    lori: Thanks for letting me about the cupcake competition, Lori :) Hopefully, I can enter it.

    food for tots: Hahaha... it does like look like museum ;)

  25. Wow, i luv those carved furniture and the charming ambience of the place!
    Can u recommend any good eating places in Bandung too? I'm going there next weekend!

  26. reading the title, i thought it's gonna be Italian food..hehe

  27. pure glutton: Whoaaa.. so nice that you are going to Bandung, a lot of yummy food there ;) I'll email you, ok. In the meantime, you can check my "Bandung" posts in food list.

    nic: hehehe.. sorry for the disappoinment :D

  28. the place is gorgeous! I think id spend forever looking at furniture rather than eating! :P

  29. The woody building is quite like Malacca style while the food is modern. Good fusion !

  30. cumi & ciki: Hehehe... well, in fact, that's what happened to me ;)

    BSG: Yes, old style but the food actually are also old recipes :)

  31. Nice decor...Good to take photo :)

  32. mimidevils: Yup, I even can't stop from snapping, hehehe....

  33. Lovely courtyard and antiques. Price is cheap to reasonable.

  34. worldwindows: A reasonable price for such an interesting place :)

  35. Wow, so many nice photos of the environment. And Javanese, European and Chinese deco, wow, combined to make this lovely interior. The food looks new to me, interesting!

  36. sugar bean: A mixed cultures :)

  37. This restaurant looks like Penang Edelweiss Swiss restaurant.

  38. I love all of the beautiful woodwork and I also love that old phonograph.

    Is that potato chips on the 1st dish?

  39. What a great "fusion" concept for a restaurant! The place looks fantastic with all those plants and wooden furniture. It sounds like a great eating experience.

  40. What a great place! Very quaint!



  41. Is that a palace or a restaurant? Beautifully decorated, and what amazing food!

  42. email2me: really? Must be also interesting :)

    the ungourmet: yes, you are right, it’s potato chips on the salad.

    marta: it’s an old fashioned restaurant.

    rosa: agreed! :)

    burpandslupr: It’s used to be a family house then they changed to be a restaurant.

  43. What a lovely quaint setting for some delicious food.

    I would DEFINITELY try the Trivelli Bier. The mention of cloves and ginger got me all interested!

  44. livvie: Good choice of drink especially to warm the body during cold weather ;)

  45. WOW..a nice place to go.
    think that i should tell my sista about it..


    great blog.

  46. RSN: It's a nice restaurant to visit :) Thanks for the compliment!

  47. What a great place...I love visiting places like that, so much to see in every corner each time you visit!

    Love the food...who does not like mash potatoes, gravy and meat!

  48. chef e: *hi 5* Love mashed potato and places like this too :)

  49. I can't believe this is a restaurant. It's so quaint and cozy. I think I would love having a meal here and after that take in the entire atmosphere by having a long lingering cup of coffee.

  50. This restaurant is simple awesome! I love the atmosphere!

  51. jo: I like your after meal idea ;)

    bits of taste: Me too... me too... :)

  52. What a nice, warm restaurant. It looks so cozy and pretty! The food looks great too.

  53. Looks like such a fun place to eat!

  54. debbie: You right so right about the warm and cozy to describe the restaurant :)

    sara: and also interesting ;)

    louise: I'm here, Louise. Thanks for asking :) Supposedly to blog today but I think I'll post it tomorrow, please come back to read the coming post, ok :)

  55. truely awesome, the view and deco speak so well, the food too! :)

  56. louise: A new post is already up ;)

    BBO: Yup, can't agree more, hehehe...

  57. pigpigscorner: It is indeed :)
