Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cheese Cake with RUF Käsekuchen Hilfe

Mom and I made cheese cake together last Sunday :) Actually we divided the task, mom was responsible for the crust and I was responsible for the filling.

In order to make a successful classic German cheese cake, we used the Käsekuchen Hilfe - Cheese cake aid from RUF (a German product).

The recipe:
Cheesecake Crust:
200 gr Flour
3 gr baking powder
75 gr butter
75 gr sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 egg

Cheesecake Filling:
750 gr Quark cheese (or light sour cream)
150 gr sugar
4 egg yolks
4 egg whites
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp grated citron skin
250 ml milk
1 sachet of RUF Käsekuchenhilfe

For the crust:
Mix all the ingredients for the crust then transfer the dough to a 26 - 28 cm removable-bottom tart pan. Roll and press firmly the 2 / 3 of the dough on the bottom and the remaining dough shaping from the edge until approx. 3 cm up sides the pan.

For the filling:
Place the light sour cream (quark), 100 gr sugar, 4 egg yolks, vanilla, grated citron's skin in a bowl. Mix them together until smooth.
In another bowl, teat 4 egg whites with 50 gr sugar until firm then pour it to the other bowl of the cheese cake mixture.
Add one sachet of RUF Käsekuchenhilfe and one cup of milk.
Mix well then fill into to the prepared baking pan with crust.
Bake at 350F (175C) on the middle rack for approximately 70 minutes.


  1. Looks good to go along with a cup of coffee ..... :D

  2. it looks good. I have yet to learn how to make me some cheesecake!

  3. beautiful - I like your method...I made a cheesecake today too...

  4. This is just beautiful! This is exactly the way I like to eat my cheesecake. No fruit. Just plain and simple. Yum!

  5. Hi, what an indulgence sweet dessert! I love cheese cake to bits! Tks for sharing!

  6. email2me: Absolutely... ;)

    peachkins: Making cheesecake is quite simple and worth to try for the result ;)

    doggybloggy: Yay, you also made cheesecake, can't wait to see yours :)

  7. ungourmet: Thanks! Don't we love simple thing? Hehehe...

    bits of taste: Glad to share it :)

  8. My first cheesecake was at Chili's years ago. Still yearn for a good cheesecake with tea in less busy circumstance, like what you have.

  9. worldwindows: I haven't tried the cheesecake at Chili's yet, should try it when I dine there again. Psssttt... how about baking your own cheese cake? ;)

  10. Ur cheese cake look good~~ Mine normally very thin, cannot make a "tall" cheesecake like u :P

  11. sophie: Thank you, Sophie :)

  12. mimid3vils: Hehehe.. that's why we were using the cheese cake aid, to make a "tall" one ;)

  13. wat a nice family activity.....baking cake together and sharing the fun!

  14. simple girl: Yes, it's fun to bake together :D

  15. yummy, that's so lovely. great with a cup of tea. i must try this whenever i have time :)

  16. ai wei: it will be nice to make your own cheese cake :)

  17. oh boy, it looks like those sold in bakeries!!! well done!

  18. Awesome cheesecake! You're so handy in the kitchen!

  19. Selba, this looks delicious. It really is beautiful and wonderfully indulgent. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  20. What a beautiful, creamy looking cheesecake! I'll have to try it!

  21. That looks sooooo good...I am a cheesecake fiend!

  22. Perfect piece of cheesecake, nice team effort!

  23. buzzingbee: thank you… thank you :)

    mica: thanks, Mica :)

    mary: Thank you, Mary :)

  24. faith: thanks! Worth to try ;)

    the blonde duck: *hi5*

    clumbsy cookie: thanks! :)

  25. What a beautiful cheesecake! A successful "joint-venture" product!

  26. Cheesecake is my family's fave! It looks so good, the result of two pros working together :D

  27. What is RUF Käsekuchenhilfe? Is it gelatin?

  28. nice cheese cake-a good effort.

  29. FFT: Thank you :)

    noobcook: Hehehe… thanks!

    Jason: Uhmmm… frankly speaking, I’m not so sure what it is except it is an aid ingredients that help to make the cheesecake tasted better.

    foodbin: thanks :)

  30. looks delicious for an afternoon tea.

  31. It looks really creamy! Never heard of RUF Käsekuchenhilfe though.

  32. What a perfect looking cheesecake, Selby- nice and creamy!

  33. hhmm..mayb ya can be the FBB of Indo!
    Why not start that? hav a blog, sell yr bakes..
    Selby's ;)

  34. Yum! I love cheesecake and that crust sounds so much better than the standard graham crust that is often on cheesecake in the States.

  35. Mmm, looks delicious Selby! I like how you worked together on it - my mom and I do that all the time too :)

  36. Deep down , we admire people who can bake fine cakes ( like you n mum ) as a hobby !

  37. What a oerfect slice- it looks perfect.

    I wish my mom wanted to bake with me :-(

  38. food paradise: Yes, it’s good for afternoon tea :)

    pigpigscorner: Not so sure whether the product is available in UK :)

    Lynda: it’s nice and creamy :)

  39. TNG: Hahaha… no lah… don’t think so, I’m not really into business, need to learn a lot first ;)

    lori: The crust tasted quite different than the US ones :)

    Kerstin: It’s nice to work together , ya? :D

  40. BSG: Hehehe… nice to be admired ;D

    monica: your mom doesn’t like to bake? Try to invite her to bake together with you, it will be fun ;)

  41. That really looks and sounds so good! Must try

  42. dustjacket attic: Yes, hopefully you can try it :)

  43. The cheese cake looks yummy.

  44. testeandtasted: It is yummy ;)

  45. Both of you did so well, such adorable piece! purely delicious!

  46. very nice cheesecake. really like your step-by-step pictures.

  47. BBO: thank you, BBO

    nyonya pendek melaka: Hello there, thank you for dropping by my blog :)

  48. Love the method you used to make this cheesecake. Fabulous!

  49. Wasn't expecting a German cheesecake on your blog. In any case, really helpful step by step photos.

  50. donna: Glad you love the method I used, Donna :)

    jude: Hehehe.. why no?

  51. Nice blog! Gorgeous cheesecake! May I ask where can I buy/find RUF Käsekuchenhilfe? I never seen it anywhere in Jakarta..And did you use sour cream or cream cheese in this recipe?? Thanks a lot! :)

  52. Hi Selby,

    Great blog! Gorgeous cheesecake! I'd like to ask where did you get the RUF Käsekuchenhilfe?
    I never seen it in Jakarta...And may I also ask what cream cheese brand did you use for this recipe?? Thanks so much!

  53. ivaline: Hi Ivaline, thanks for your stopping by and the compliments :) My mom got the RUF Käsekuchenhilfe from Germany, but probably you can find it in supermarket like Kem Chicks that sell import stuff.
    As for the cream cheese, I used "yummy", it's a local product and you can buy it easily in Hero or Carrefour.
    Happy baking :)

  54. Thank you so much Selby! Very informative blog you got here! Really enjoy your blog..Keep it up! I'll try your recipe soon :) Thanks for sharing :)
