Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Hwa - Peking Duck

Lately, in the evenings, on my way home, this new little restaurant has been attracting me with the bright lights on the hanging roasted ducks. Thus, a few days ago, I got tempted to try it. Beside the roasted ducks, they also sell roasted chicken and also roasted pork. If I'm not mistaken the ducks are dipped into a mix sauce made from water, honey, dry sherry, white vinegar, and anise; before being roasted.

I bought 1/2 duck for dinner. It costed only Rp. 60.000 (less than USD 6). My mom and I were very impressed with the taste of the roasted duck. Although the skin was not crispy nor glassy as it supposedly to be, but the meat was very soft, tender and also juicy. In addition, it had a nice distinctive flavor. The chili sauce (made from chilies, plum sauce, sugar, vinegar, and ginger) was so perfect as a condiment to eat the roasted duck.
Definitely, I will come back again to buy the roasted duck and probably also to try their other roasted meat :)

The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. The price seems reasonable! Love roast duck, just had it in a good restaurant in London, missing it so much now! Should be a delightful dinner at home. :)

  2. sugar bean: Never can get enough with roasted duck, rite? Hehehe...

  3. Enjoy take-away 1/2 duck and eat it as finger food in the privacy of my home:)

  4. It's a shame the duck skin wasn't crisp, though the food looks wonderful. They should have you write local food reviews, Selba. You are getting to be very good at restaurant reviews.

  5. Imagine passing by and being tempted enuf to try out. But it prove an enjoyable ducky gastronomic experience for u and ur mum.

  6. I just had the best Peking Duck salad at a small place in Red Bank, NJ and loved it...this looks and sounds great! Love the disclaimer too :)

  7. Wow, it looks amazing!! My hubby loves Peking duck and I enjoy it too - yum!

  8. I love peking duck- delicious!

    While on vacation, we had breakfast at a funky little restaurant and I ordered the Duck Hash, which was roasted potatoes, duck breast, and over-easy eggs covered in Hollandaise sauce. YUM!

  9. Mmm, I usually don't go for duck, but this definitely made my mouth water!

  10. Mmm, I usually don't go for duck, but this definitely made my mouth water!

  11. worldwindows: Sounds great!!! Hehehe…

    mary: The only part that need to be improved is the duck’s skin. Thank you so much for your kind words, Mary :) I’m still learning.

    jencooks: Yes, so glad that I gave it a try :)

  12. chef e: Yummm… Peking duck salad must be wonderful! Thanks for complimenting the disclaimer, hehehe…

    Kerstin: Peking duck is one my favorite food too!

  13. monica: Wow! The Duck Hash sounds very delicious, hope that you will post it in your blog :)

    mica: Roasted duck tasted yummy ;)

  14. Bebek Peking...Yummy. Unka loves duck meat cooked in any style ;)

  15. I love Roasted Duck specially when the skin is all crispy. That picture is mouthwatering, though.

  16. unkaleong: Me too! Hehehe… Duck meat is wonderful, tasted much better than chicken, ya? ;)

    peachkins: Yummm… talking about crispy skin of duck makes me mouthwatering :D

  17. dry sherry! no wonder tastes so good la:)

  18. The sauce on the duck sounds so flavorful.

  19. good one. ducks again! yay! :)
    ironically. so this is the one you said that aint crispy? but looks good nonetheless. very meaty.

  20. i love the cripsy skin roasted duck more....haha

  21. Very similar to those that we had in Penang. Looks good :)

  22. foodbin: Yup, very good bargain :)

    helene: If you have a chance to eat in Chinese restaurant, make sure to order Peking duck, it’s delicious :)

    cumi & ciki: Hahaha… that’s the secret ingredient ;)

  23. donna: Yes, you will love the sauce, sweet sour hot! :)

    j2kfm: Yes… this is the one that I mentioned, though no crispy skin but the meat was wonderful :)

    simplegirl: actually the crispy skin is the best part of the duck, ya?

    ck lam: Yummm.. must be also delicious :)

  24. Oh, yummy! That's something I really love!



  25. rosa: You like peking duck? Nice... :)

  26. I would have been disappointed too that the skin wasn't crispy, but you can't beat the price.

  27. It doesn't look like peking duck at all. It looks more like chinese roast duck.

  28. Yum, Peking Duck. They say Long Island has some of the best ducks in the world and yet, I have never had Peking Duck cooked there. Now, I want to.

    You really are so good at restaurants reviews, Selba. You see, I'm not the only one who thinks so:) Crispy skin would have been much better but the flavors and hint of anise sure sound good!

    Thanks for sharing...

  29. We're crazy for duck at our house. Lucky you to be able to pick one up on the way home, especially at such a reasonable price.

    I've been away from internet access for a couple of weeks and I've missed all of your wonderful food. It's nice to be back.

  30. Yea, the sauce plays an important role. The duck skin looks less oily than those we have here.

  31. Looks good, I've always wanted to find a great place for peking duck.

  32. I am not a big fan for duck. But Peking duck is my all-time favourite. Weird huh? ;P

  33. I Peking duck, though in Greece is very expensive (about 12 Euros per serving).

  34. Roast duck is a love-hate dish with a 50 % failure rate !

    Either too much fats , or skin or bones
    LOL !

    so you are lucky

  35. Bebek bebek bebek just lurves saying that. =D

  36. Long time since I have had Peking Duck! Yum yum! Can I chomp some of yours first? ;p

  37. katherine aucoin: Yup, you are right! The price is really a good bargain :)

    my little space: Hi my little space, thanks for dropping by. Hmmmm…. Quite true what you said. I guess not 100% an authentic peking duck :)

    louise: Hopefully you get a chance to try the Peking Duck in Long Island and can share the taste with us here :)
    It’s so sweet of you to compliment my review *blush* Thanks, Louise!

  38. MCK: Welcome back, Sam! So far, this is the best price for duck and also for the wonderful meat.

    little inbox: Totally true about the sauce :)

    sophie: It’s very delicious duck, I believe you will love it :)

  39. sara: Any Chinese restaurants in your area, probably go to Chinatown? Good luck!

    FFT: Hehehe… Understood coz’ actually I started to love duck meat from eating Peking duck.

    Catherine: Yummm… I believe NYC Chinatown has great peking ducks :)

  40. HoGF: 12 Euros for one duck or ½ duck? If it’s for ½ then yes, it’s very expensive :D

    BSG: Hehehe… well, this one is very meaty!

    tummythoz: LOL… sounds cute, ya?

    tigerfish: Sure.. sure.. sure… hehehe

  41. The price is not bad and the duck certainly looks delicious, Selby!Sounds very flavorful!

  42. I couldn't eat roasted duck. It would be cannalibilism.

  43. Your duck rice looks like what we have in Malaysia.

  44. haha, u do like your roast! do you like it with white rice or oil rice? i prefer the oil type! :D

  45. It's 12 euros for 1/4 of Peking duck.

  46. lynda: It is delicious indeed
    :) I would definitely go back again for the duck.

    the blonde duck: Hi the blonde duck, welcome to my blog! Ah... true, if you eat duck, then it would be cannalibilism. LOL

    MTH: Probably the same recipe too? ;)

  47. momgateway: Hi momgateway, thanks for stopping by my blog. The duck tastes wonderful :)

    nic: *hi5* Love the oil type! We called it Nasi Hainam.

    HoGF: Oh my… only for 1/4? That’s very expensive!

  48. This looks great, I'm dying for roast duck now! :)

  49. faith: Hi Faith, welcome to my blog :) Hope that you will have roast duck soon.

  50. this is awesome good, as I too a roast duck fan. juts yummy delicoius when served with a small bowl of warm rice! :)

  51. BBO: warm rice (especially nasi Hainam) is so perfect with roast duck :)

  52. sorry for the late read of ya post dear..i do read yr postings ;) Jz tht the last week been crazy busy..
    Me long time no eat duck alrei...*craving*

  53. TNG: don't worry, sweetie... it's understandable :)
    Hope that you will be eating duck soon!
