Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Martabak Mini (Mini Pancake)

A week ago, I was at a bus station when I saw a man selling Martabak mini on a cart.
Here in Indonesia, we have 2 kind of Martabaks (sweet and salty).

Martabak Mini is the mini size of the original Sweet Martabak (the diameter size is about 35 cm). Sweet Martabak is actually sweet thick crepes/thick pancakes - often filled with cheese, chocolate, or ground peanuts. Main ingredients are flour, water, eggs, baking soda and margarine.

Martabak Mini with chocolate sprinkler and banana.

Martabak Mini with chocolate sprinkler and ground peanuts.

Final touch, brushed the Martabak mini with margarine.1 Martabak mini costs Rp. 700 (about USD 0.50).

By the way, this early morning, I decided to make mini pancakes ;)

My own mini pancake creation:
3 tbsp flour
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tbsp olive oil
1 egg

Mix altogether then fry on a mini pan.

Less than 10 minutes, 4 slices of mini pancakes are served to be eaten with homemade strawberry jam.

A perfect breakfast to start my birthday :)


  1. very interesting. i've never heard of these before.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SELBY!!! have a great day today and every other day!

    i like mine drizzled with syrup. yummy! :D

  3. Happy Birthday to you! These look so good. Yours turned out great!

  4. Happy Birthday to U! Wishing you a sweet birthday!

  5. OH Happy Birthday to You! I love those pancake/crepe ladles, and wish I had some now...

  6. Thank god, I just had my breakfast... It looks very tempting...

    By the way...


  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SELBY - these little pancakes are addictive I am sure!

  8. Happy Birthday, sweet Selby! I love your mini pancakes, so cute!

  9. Happy Birthday to you!

    Mine is on the 27th.

  10. It looks like our "Ban Chang Kuih". The traditional ingredients are just ground peanut, sugar(white or brown), cream corn and or egg. But these days, many more filling stuffings have been created, like tuna salad, hams, dried fruits, etc.

  11. This looks like Malaysian Apom Balik and ours are filled with shaved coconuts.

  12. Happy birhtday! I enjoyed the sweet martabak you featured in 2006 once a while but very sinfully rich.

  13. It's a bit of Ban Chang Kuih but folded as Apom Balik...really interesting.
    Btw...Happy Birthday to you (slightly belated greetings)

  14. i tot you meant Murtabak, the indian delight, pancake with meat stuffing served with curry.
    but it looks more like our APOM.

    one of the best, and lightest snack. :)

  15. Happy Birthday Selby! and thanks for sharing some birthday delights with us. Mini pancakes look delicious ~ is there really only 3 tbsp of flour? I hope you have a super day!

  16. Happy Birthday, Selby! Those mini pancakes look so scrumptious, mmhhh!



  17. This sounds so fantastic! So many great fillings and so nicely presented :). Happy birthday Selby! Have a great day.

  18. justin: It’s pancakes ;)

    nic: thank you for the b’day wish, Nic :) Yummm… syrup is also nice for pancake.

    lori: thank you, Lori :)

    simplegirl: thank you, SimpleGirl :)

    chef e: thank you, Chef E :) hi there, thanks for dropping by and also the b’day wish :)

  19. doggybloggy: thank you, doggybloggy :) Yup… quite addictive, hehe…

    mica: thank you.. thank you, Mica :)

    Jason: thanks, Jason :) Wow… only 5 days distant!

    Ban Chang kuih? Sounds like bachang (the glutinous rice), hehehe… The filling sounds nice.

    email2me: Shaved coconuts? Is it sweet or salty?

    worldwindows: thanks, worldwindows! Oh.. yeah, totally very sinfully rich, hehehe :)

  20. ck lam: thanks, CK! What’s the different between ban chang kuih and apom balik?

    j2kfm: We do have similar to “murtabak” which we called it as Martabak asin or salthy martabak but without curry :)

    glo: thank you, Glo! Yes, only 3 tablespoons of flour which the serving will be only 4 mini pancakes ;) Enough only for one person, hehehe

    rosa: thank you, Rosa :)

    ETE: thank you… thank you :)

    foodbin: thank you, foodbin :)

  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Selba!! May all your wishes come true! What a sweet beginning on your birthday! ;)

  22. Happy Birthday Selby!
    You know what, we also have that mini-pancake here and I'm also planning on posting those..hahaha..

    anyways, your has banana and choclate sprinkles,ours are just plain with margarine.

  23. Happy Birthday to you, sweet lady!! I hope it was wonderful. These mini pancakes look wonderful and Id love some with coffee, wanna join me?

  24. I love the little pancakes like that. I've never thought to use ground peanuts before, that sounds wonderful.

    Happy Birthday!

  25. Lovely pancake sprinkled with chocolate.:)

  26. FFT: thank you, LK :)

    peachkins: thank you, peachkins! Wow, same mini pancakes? must be interesting ;)

    donna: thank you, Donna. Yummm... mini pancakes with coffee sounds perfect :D

  27. adam: thanks, Adam :) Yes, ground peanuts added the crunchiness, so yummy with the chocolate sprinkler.

    cariso: and also yummy ;)

  28. Happy birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day! These mini pancakes look like a great way to start the day!

  29. Happy Birthday. I hope you had a truly marvelous day.

  30. Your version looks fresh and crisp while ours look soggy and no good ! called murtabak which we avoid !

  31. happy birthday woman!

    matarbak sounds like murtabak! so cute.. i want pancake!

  32. Happy Birthday Selby! What a sweet treat to celebrate with.

  33. faith: thank you, Faith :)

    mary: thank you, Mary :)

    little inbox: I think so...

  34. BSG: oh.. you all don't like murtabak?

    cumi & ciki: thank you, cumi & ciki :) *hands a plate of pancakes*

    monica: thank you, Monica :)

  35. food paradise: thank you, food paradise :)

  36. happy belated birthday Selby!!!

  37. babe_kl: thank you, babe_kl :)

  38. I've never seen a Martabak, ut it looks absolutely delicious! And so do your mini pancakes!!!

  39. Happy Birthday!! Those little pancakes look SO delicious!

  40. kerstin: thank you, Kerstin :)

  41. so cute!!
    pancakes are alws my fav! cnat wait for u to be here..we can bake toge and makan toge!!

  42. TNG: Whoaaa... sounds a great idea of fun to bake and eat together! Hope the day will come soon :D

  43. I can't believe I actually miss your birthday :( I'm so sorry!!
    Happy belated birthday Selba. I hope you had a great one :)


  44. angele: It's ok.. no worries! Thank you, Angele :)

  45. aiseh
    i'm soory I didn't check the rest of your post.
    this coz i just got new internet line.
    yes that's why i been missing in 2 month.

    so this is martabak mini....
    we called it lempeng here.

  46. pisang goreng: hi there, long time no see! I've been wondering but no worries at all, so glad to see you again :) How's the new internet line? Guess what? finally, I'm using a broadband internet connection since last May, so bye-bye to the snail dial-up internet connection, hehehe...
