Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kafe Pisa Menteng, Jakarta

Last night, my friend brought me to Kafe Pisa for a nice and yummy Italian dinner to celebrate my birthday :)

Kafe Pisa is a restaurant that offers authentic Italian atmosphere and a mini nice garden just like Italian patio. The restaurant is divided into the main Café, Garden area, and additional area.
kafe pisa fountain

We decided to sit in the additional area although we couldn't see the live music performance in the main Café area.

Our orders:

French Fries with tuna dressing
Price Rp. 30.000

Vulcano Pizze
Price Rp. 89.000
(Volcano style pizza with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, smoked beef and mushrooms)

Involtino Di Pollo
Price Rp. 77.000
(Rolled chicken breast stuffed with mozzarella cheese & smoked beef in mushroom sauce)

Kafe Pisa is famous for its gelato (ice cream), freshly made everyday without any use of additives.

Thus, instead of a birthday cake, I had...

Coppa Amore

Price Rp. 39.500
(6 scoops of Gelato served with crispy wafers, whipped cream, cherry, and chocolate sauce).
coppa amore kafe pisa

All prices are subjected to 18.8% government tax & service.
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 10. 200

Jl. Gereja Theresia No.1, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat, 10350
Tel: 021-3100 151

My other related posts of this restaurant:
Kafe Pisa
Lunch at an Italian restaurant
Cafe Pisa


  1. Haha, this is some crazy-awesome food. The French fries and tuna dressing made me laugh, but not as much as the volcano pizza! And that gelato cup looks delicious!

  2. mica: first time for me to have tuna dressing and it's good, hehehe...

  3. My gosh that looks so good! The french fries, yummy and that last picture, good enough to eat!

    xxx DJ

  4. dustjacket attic: Oh yes, my most favorite from all that night is the gelato :)

  5. delicious stuff, esp the gelato. somehow, digging into gelato makes one feel less guilty, right/

  6. j2kfm: Hahaha... true.. true.. definitely less guilty :D

  7. The volcano pizza strikes fear! The fillings, so delicious!

  8. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! This restaurant is so cute, and wow, the food looks amazing!

  9. Hope you had a great birthday. What a nice place.

  10. Happy birthday, Selby!! Stay beatiful and healthy so that you can bring us many more delicious food photographs ;-)


  11. French fries with tuna dressing sounds adorable!! The coppa amore…well…speechless un amor, love it :)
    And Selby Happy Birthday!!



  12. worldwindows: so good to find out that the volcano has yummy filling inside it :)

    finsmom: glad to share it :)

    faith: it's a wonderful birthday, thanks :)

  13. helene: Yes, I had, Helene :) Thanks!

    tuty: thank you for the b'day wishes, Tuty :)

    gera: thank you, Gera :) ah... un amor... love....

  14. The colors of the gelato in that one photograph are riveting. I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

  15. The name doesn't sound like Italian restaurant pun.

  16. really yummy.....the valcano pizza looks superb!!!

  17. Interesting volcano pizza. Oh gimme me that gelato mix over cake anytime!

    Happy b'day.

  18. Volcano pizza and gelato? Yum!! Sounds like the perfect meal to celebrate!

  19. mary: the gelatos are so yummy with many flavors :) I had a wonderful b'day, thanks Mary!

    little inbox: well, the word "pisa" came from the Pisa tower in Italy ;)

    simple girl: yup... it is indeed ;)

  20. tummythoz: thanks, Tummythoz :) *hands a cone of gelato*

    kerstin: It is indeed :D

  21. OMG! My mouth is watering with this pizza and gelato!!

  22. It does look like where you stay , its super modern and worldly. You have everything !
    Happy birthday ! and happy international eating !

  23. peachkins: Hehehe... me also still mouth-watering each time I look at the pics ;)

    BSG: thank you, BSG! :D

    BBO: thanks, BBO :)

  24. Id have to agree that this pizza looks incredible. I always always enjoy your photos! The chiken looks marvelous also.. pollo:)

  25. so nice-no guilt when you binge on those Coppa Amore.

  26. Oh my goodness! First, a great big birthday {{{hug}}} coming your way!

    What amazing food. I have never heard of most of these dishes. French Fries with tuna sauce??? Volcano Pizza??? what world do I live in???

    Wishing you many more Happy Birthdays, Selba:)

  27. volcano pizza sure looks like its gonna erupt ;) Into yr stomach tht's it! hehe..

    My my..i like the "arrangement" of the carrots & aparagus at the side of your pollo dish. such details!

    Fresh gelato made daily sure beats a cake!

  28. The volcano pizza looks yummy...I think I'd rather have gelato than cake too!

  29. hmm.... nice foods and desserts. ^-^

  30. donna: Thank you, Donna… it’s a big pleasure to share and also know when people enjoy my photos :)

    foodbin: Hehehe.. yup, totally great when no guilt!

    louise: Thank you for the great big hug and also b’day wishes, Louise! :) I bet a lot of great Italian restaurants are easy to find in your area ;)

  31. TNG: Hahaha…. Can’t imagine if the volcano pizza erupted! The gelato is the best! :D

    Lynda: *hi5* don’t we love gelato? :D

    FP: Yessss… yummm…. :)

  32. Happy birthday! That's a really nice and cosy restaurant. And they have such a wide variety of gelato!

  33. pigpigscorner: thanks, pigpigscorner :)

  34. Happy Belated Birthday Selby :)
    May all your wishes come true.

  35. healthyrainbow: thank you, HealthyRainbow :)

  36. What a great choice of ice cream flavors!



  37. rosa: Yes, a lot of choices of gelato :)

  38. Hi Selba,
    Thanks for your comment about Balinese Sate. But here is what I think about your suggestion using lemongrass as the skewer.

    In Bali, never used lemongrass skewer. They always use bamboo skewer (only a little bit flatter and a bit wider) even now!. Those LEMONGRASS skewer, I think it was popularized by the restaurant to make the sate more appealing. Trust me on this one, if you go to Balinese houses especially in the villages, you will never ever seen people use Lemongrass. They use it for something more useful for that, like "sambel sere" for example. I am Balinese, born and grew up there in the village, so I know exactly what I am talking about. BUT, thanks though for the advise. I am sure it will look more intriguing and excotique.

  39. Wow! Your coppa amore is making me drooling now! That's a great choice to subsitute a birthday cake. Hehehe!

  40. Everything looks tasty - especially the volcano pizza.

  41. Happy belated birthday! LOVE the huge array of gelato flavours.

  42. Fries with tuna dressing? o_O Never heard of that before! Was it good? :P

    Oh myyyy, look at the dessert! I want ice cream too! Oh and I won't say no to a slice of pizza as well. Hehehe!

  43. I want to try a piece of that fantastic volcano pizze. it looks so cool

    jackie at

  44. Just had to come over and say thank you for your comments, I love it that you like the posts.


  45. elra: thanks for the explanation about the skewer, Elra! I’ve seen many times Balinese sate using lemongrass in the 5 stars hotels and watched on a TV cooking show; now I understand that it’s not the authentic way.

    FFT: Yup, I think it’s even better than a b’day cake ;)

    pam: the filling of the volcano pizza is great :)

    palidor: Hi Palidor, thanks for stopping by my blog and also the b’day wishes :)

  46. angele: Yes, the tuna dressing was wonderful, even much better than mayonnaise, ketchup or chili sauce ;)

    talat: Hi talat, thanks for dropping by my blog :)

    dustjacket attic: You are welcome :)

  47. wuah..6 scoops of Gelato...can't stop drooling!!!
