Monday, July 27, 2009

Tukang Es Jeruk (Orange juice)

A man is selling fresh orange juice on a cart.

He uses Pontianak oranges (Jeruk Pontianak) to make the juice.
Pontianak oranges come from West Borneo - Indonesia. These kind of oranges are also called as Siam oranges.

The orange juice man needs many oranges to make one glass.
Although the oranges are very sweet but the vendor adds white sugar syrup.

There is nothing more refreshing than freshly squeezed orange juice :)
es jeruk

A glass of Pontiank orange juice costs Rp. 5.000 (less than USD 0.50)


  1. That looks like mandarin orange to me. Very good for detox!

  2. email2me: It might look like similiar but it's different :) Mandarin orange's skin is orange color, Pontianak orange's skin has mixture color between green and yellow.

  3. Yup, the potianak oranges are very sweet. ^-^ Try it before!

  4. I always enjoyed Es Jeruk in your country. Better in taste than most temperate oranges.

  5. This is a refreshing drink for a hot day!

  6. I want I want this is such a refreshing drink!

  7. looks cooling and refreshing. The oranges resemble a bit like limes coz of the green.

  8. good drink for super hot weather!!! wat a relief!!

  9. food paradise: Ah.. you tried the Pontianak oranges before? Nice ya? :D

    worldwindows: Wah.. you make me feel proud of the Indonesian oranges, hehehe...

    little inbox: Yup, totally refreshing!

  10. BBO: *hands in a glass of es jeruk* ;)

    noobcook: a big lime! hehehe

    simplegirl: yup! especially with a lot of ice cubes :D

  11. Hello darling and thank you for visiting my cottage and for leaving kind words behind, much appreciated. You have a lovely blog full of interesting posts and beautiful photos, I will be back on my off day to read some more. I joined your followers and placed a link to your blog on my beau-TEA-ful friends blog. Please stop by and visit me again and next time if you have a moment, please stop and join my followers also. I am looking forward to our future afternoon tea get-togethers.

    Duchess xx

  12. duchess of tea: Hi Duchess of Tea, it's so nice to have you in here :) I'm so glad that you enjoy my posts and also photos. I'm adding your link into my blog list too. Hopefully, I will see you around in my blog again and also for sure will be visiting your blog to have more afternoon tea together :)

  13. i know these.. they are damn sweet and fragrant! no need sugar la.. :P

  14. cumi & ciki: Yup, I agreed with you, actually no need sugar at all.

  15. I love it too, lucky we have an orange tree in the back garden. It does take a few to get a glass, but it's worth it.


  16. We have plenty of this oranges in the supermarkets. They do come with lots of seeds and I find the taste is better than the sourish oranges.

  17. dustjacket attic: Wow! You got an orange tree in the back garden, that's so neat!

    ck lam: Ah... probably the oranges come also from Borneo, ya? :D

  18. This juice looks so fresh and healthy. perfect drink any time of the year!

  19. donna-ffw: Yup, absolutely :)

  20. This looks like a refreshing drink for a hot summer day.

  21. Curious what the difference in taste is between these Pontianak oranges and the regular ones we get here. Sounds like a very nice and refreshing juice drink!

  22. mini version orange..hehe. a great drink during hot weather!!

  23. Mmm, that looks like tasty orange juice. It's a different color than our crappy carton juice here.

  24. looks very refreshing. is this like the Thailand's tangerine juice?

  25. So inexpensive and I bet it tastes amazing!! Sure looks pretty :)

  26. liquid sunshine - wow I would love a glass of this!

  27. This looks absolutely delicious and refreshing!

  28. Darling I have come over for a visit and to read more of your posts. Fantastic job, the blog is gorgeous, the info interesting and the food delicious.

    Thanks for the kind mention above, you are kind. Love to have you over for tea

    Duchess xx

  29. What a terrific place to stop for a refreshing drink! Yum!

  30. That's a very reasonable price for a glass of freshly squeezed juice. A very refreshing drink.

  31. I want an orange juice man in my neighborhood! I can't believe how inexpensive it is either. wow!

  32. What a great looking glass of OJ, and less than 50 cents US, what a bargain too!


  33. What a treat, those oranges look so juicy.

    I have an award for you on my blog.

  34. I wish we have an Orange man here. Those fresh oranges are very healthy!

  35. 5 star foodie: Pontiank oranges tasted very sweet with almost no sours taste at all compare to the other oranges beside it also has a sweet fragrance.

    buzzingbee: not really mini but yes a bit smaller, hehehe…

    mica: hahaha… and tasted totally different too!

  36. j2kfm: Yes, it’s quite similar but Pontianak oranges have more refreshing taste.

    stepchows: Hi stepchows, thanks for stopping by my blog, it really tastes amazing especially on a hot day :)

    doggybloggy: liquid sunchine? hehehe… it sounds so cute!

  37. faith: Yes, it is indeed :)

    duchess of tea: So happy to see you again and that you are reading more of my posts. I absolutely love to have tea with you especially with your lovely tea set :)

    the ungourmet: the place is on the street, hehehe… ;)

  38. MCK: I agreed, it’s reasonable price especially it’s so fresh :)

    monica: hahaha… it would be wonderful if you have an orange juice man in your neighborhood :)

    the blonde duck: must give a try! maybe can make it your own ;)

  39. jenn: Yup, a great bargain :D

    helene: Wow, an award for me? Thanks! I will drop by your blog soon!

    peachkins: A lot of vitamin C for sure ;)

  40. I'd like a glass of this orange juice! So fresh and healthy!

  41. In Malay, pontianak is vampiress (female vampire). What an interesting name for a fruit!

  42. I have never seen nor tried a pontianak orange, but now I'm on a mission to do so! It looks so refreshing!! Love the photos!

  43. MTC: You are so right about fresh and healthy :)

    tummythoz: really??? Hahaha... oh my! I didn't know it before! But you know that Pontianak is the "capital city" name of West Borneo, right? ;)

  44. lisa michelle: hi Liza Michelle, welcome to my blog :) Hope that you will find pontianak oranges, it's not only wonderful for juices but also to be eaten.

  45. Yum! I'm surprised he adds sugar, why do you think that is?

  46. I could do with a glass right now! We are having a hot spell and refreshing juice is just what is needed. Great photos ~ that jug of juice has my mouth watering!

  47. Pontianak oranges! The name is so scary but it looks good!

  48. pontianak oranges sounds very new to me! and they r quite cheap. would love to try this definitely!

  49. chou: Hi Chou, thanks for stopping by my blog :) Here in Java island, the people tend to like very sweet drink thus that's the reason why the vendor put syrup in the orange juice. Actually mostly, all kind of juices here in Indonesia are being added with sugar.

    glo: thanks, Glo :) How hot is the weather at your place now? Here in Jakarta, averagely is around 31 to 33 celcius degrees during the day.

  50. allie: Hehehe... I just knew what's the meaning of Pontianak!

    christine leng: Hi Christine, welcome to my blog. Hopefully you can get the oranges around you place :)

  51. YUM! the oranges look like limes to me? I wish I had a big glass right now.

  52. FwLT: It kinda look a bit like lime but actually the size is bigger ;) A big glass of orange juice is wonderful!

  53. Wow, I love that fresh juice color, it is like the perfect drink for a hot day. Those oranges are really interesting too :)

  54. adam: the color of the fresh orange juice is beautiful, ya? :)

  55. When I was a little girl, vendors like these were on the streets of NYC squeezing Florida oranges into big cups full of ice. Such pleasant memories. I no longer see them but we do have fresh squeezed lemonade vendors in PA. Thanks for sharing Selba!!! Now I need some OJ:)

  56. Woah that looks crazy good, I'd ONLY drink orange juice, for that cheap!

  57. Queen Bitty says she appreciates your compliment. She has always known she's cute.

  58. Which is the difference between the “normal" oranges with the Pontianak ones?

    Really nothing better than a fresh squeezed fruit juice!!



  59. louise: Florida oranges? It must be really wonderful to have those vendors, too bad that there’s no more :) But then I’m glad that you can find lemonade vendors in PA.

    perpixintexan: Hi PerpixinTexan, thank you for dropping by my blog. You only drink orange juice, not even water or tea? Wow… I wish I could do it too :)

    TBD: Hehehe… Queen Bitty is so adorable. Hopefully she will be able to make friends with Adele, Vincent and Bella. They have their own blog at Queen Bitty is very welcome to visit them there :)

    gera: Here in Asia specially, there are so many kind of oranges. One tasted sweeter than the others, one tasted more sour than the others then they have each special fragrance of oranges :)

  60. yayaya..(agree w J2kfm) i tot they looked like those in Thailand, freshly squeezed n sold by carts at the streets here in Indo they hvc tht too huh?
    Darn, why we msia dun hv one???

  61. TNG: Hehehe... psssttt... how about if you become the pioneer of orange juice stall/cart in msia? ;)

  62. Yup.. I did tried it once.. It is sweet.. but but.. I don't get to see it here.

  63. photocrazy: nice, ya? :) you don't see it in msia?

  64. I totally agree with you - there is nothing better than a nice, cold, fresh glass of OJ!

  65. maris: Hi Maris, thanks for dropping by my blog. Don't we all love OJ? ;)

  66. Looks yummy.

  67. where is the location to find the orange juice man? thank you

  68. sugarfluff: It's in central Jakarta, but not sure the name of the street.
