Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lunch Meetings

In my old office, lunch meetings among the Partners and Directors were held every Wednesday until the last couple of years, it becomes once a month. We (staff) usually would be so happy when there's lots of left overs because we could bring it home :)

Board Room
office lunch

office lunch

office lunch

office lunch

Bye 2009.... Bye left overs..
Hello 2010.... Hello new opportunities...



  1. Darling, I thank you for your love and support this past year when I needed it most. Your kindness has left me feeling blessed. You have made my first year of blogging a memorable one!! I am certain that 2010 will be an amazing year for us both. Enjoy the last day of the year and have a marvelous 2010 full of good health, happiness, prosperity, love and blessings.

    Love & Hugs

  2. Lots of interesting food!
    Wish you a prosperous happy New Year!

  3. Here's wishing you and your loved ones a happy and delicious 2010! :D

  4. I would be happy with some of those left-overs too. I hope you have a happy and healthy new year. I've enjoyed getting to know you and your part of the world.

  5. Happy Happy New Year to you!! What a teremendous amount of delicious food. Id come to work just for that:)

  6. Man what a spread they got! Hubby's office has cut back on the food at meetings, and even his holiday gatherings are lame he said...oh the days when I would cater large meetings like that!

    Now I am hungry for satays...

  7. Happy New year and wishing you & your family all the best for the coming year.

  8. Oooh lovely...thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year!

  9. Do I see siomay there or it's just my imaginationa ;-)? Happy New Year 2010!

  10. Hello new leftovers :-)

    Happy New Year!

  11. I can't believe all of that great food is served at office meetings! I'd be excited about the leftovers too!
    Wishes for happiness and blessings in the coming year.

  12. Happy New Year, wishing you much happiness in 2010.

  13. Wow! Nice food, great view! Kerja di mana nih?

  14. That is some gorgeous lunch meeting food! Wishing a Happy New Year to you and your family, Selba!

  15. now now I am drooling with thos satays! just awesome looking at them! yes who can resist not taking some leftover home! I in for it too! call me i will be there! :)

  16. Glorious food! I'm hungry now. :)

    Happy 2010 to you and your loved ones! Have you made your resolutions yet? ;)

  17. If only my office had lunch meetings like that...I wouldn't complain having to sit in during lunch hours! LOL

    Happy New Year!

  18. What a fun blog! Came across your blog though Dragonfly Interiors, I think.
    Happy New Year!

  19. Wow, we only get pizza at meetings - what a great spread!! Happy New Year!

  20. Hi,
    re comment, I've looked at the gorgeous Valentino collection but have not posted it.

    Have a great day,

  21. I can understand very well that everyone would be happy to have leftovers from those foods! Yummmm! Happy new year to you too Selby!

  22. your office has nice view..

    Happy New yeear Selba~

  23. Happy new year dear selba! Glad to have found your blog.. keep up the excellent writing;)

  24. hi selba! thanks so much for your tips! btw, we hope we can meet up with you - invite your friend whoever .. the more the merrier! we have around 8 to 9 days in Java. Flyin in and out of Jakarta. Will find our way around either by public transport or hire a car. which do u suggest? is petrol expensive in indonesia?

  25. such nice view from your office. happy new year to you.

  26. Thanks for all your kind comments and wishes for 2010! :)

    cooking-gallery: Hahaha..No, there's no siomay, but there's tahu telor ;)

    kyh: resolutions for 2010? Uhmmm... maybe eating more yummy food? LOL

    cumi & ciki: I'm so glad that you two are visiting Jakarta. I'm answering your question on your blog ;)

  27. Happy Happy New Year dear Selba:) It has been my pleasure to pop on in to feast my eyes on your stirring posts.

    Janus am I; oldest of potentates;
    Forward I look, and backward, and below
    I count, as god of avenues and gates,
    The years that through my portals come and go.
    Longfellow, The Poet's Calendar

    Thank you so much for sharing...

  28. Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with lots of delicious food!

  29. Happy New Year to u dear!
    Hope to meet u soon!! Really soon! ;)

  30. Darling, I just popped in to once again thank you for the lovely award you presented me awhile back and to apologize for posting it excuse other than life got in the way. The award is proudly posted on my award section and there is a post with a link to your blog on mine. Thanks again luv. Have a lovely rest of the week and an equally lovely 2010 full of good health, happiness and success.

    Love & Hugs
