Monday, December 28, 2009

Mie Udang Singapore (Singapore Shrimp Noodles)

Craving for Singaporean noodles? I guess I don't need to fly to Singapore.... ;)

My friend has been talking about this house restaurant so many times. Well, I'm not so sure whether I can say it as restaurant since it's actually a house but the owner's turned their living room to be a restaurant from morning until afternoon (around 2 pm).

I had Mie Udang Singapore (Singapore shrimp noodles) . The noodles came with the ingredients of morning glory, shrimp balls, shrimps, sliced pork. Sprinkled with spring onion, fried lard (fat pork) and fried shallots. So delicious! The soup was enhanced by the shrimp broth.

mie udang singapore

This is my friend's favorite dish - Mie Goreng Kangkung Terasi. Fried noodles with morning glory, fish cake, beansprouts, sliced pork, shrimp, red chili, shrimp paste and sprinkle of fried shallots . I also like this dish too. It's a really flavorful spicy and I even could smell the nice aroma of its gravy from my friend's plate.

mie goreng kangkung terasi

Mie Udang Singapore "Mi Mi"
Komplek Green Ville Blok B 1 No. 16
Tahap 4, Jakarta Barat

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Am salivating at that mie udang, complete with fried lard. Sedap!!!!

  2. very authentic just like what we have over here.

  3. precious pea: Yes... sedap!!! :D

    foodbin: ah.. exactly the same? :)

    LfB: *nods* one of the yummiest :)

  4. eh..looks like our MALAYSIAN Penang hokkien mee!

  5. WOW! they look good.Perfect for the chilly weather...

  6. I thought that shrimp noodles look more like Penang shrimp noodles. :O

  7. TNG & tigerfish: Whoaaaa... So, this shrimp noodles looks more like Malayisan Penang shrimp noodles? Now I wonder about the authentic Singaporean shrimp noodles ;D

  8. mee udang! you should come to Penang and have a taste of the prawn noodle! this really looked like it.haha.

  9. Yea, both version also looked very sedap!

  10. I love noodle dishes! I might even have some in the pantry with all the seasonings to dress up a bowl for my dinner tonight!

  11. These dishes look so delicious! This would be the perfect meal for a cold day like today!

  12. Your Mie Udang Singapore looks so delicious...and the shrimp balls...Yum!

  13. Yum, those saucy noodles look great! And check out that massive shrimp!

  14. I've never tasted this version of noodles in Singapore ... but looks delish nevertheless. Happy Holidays!

  15. ahhh..looks like penang version..
    but sure do looks good~

  16. noobcook: Oh.. I see! If so, all this time we Indo have been wrong, always thought it's Singapore noodles which in fact is actually Penang noodles, hahaha... Happy Holidays too! :)

  17. Mmm, looks so good! I wish I was slurping some of those noodles up right now!

  18. Oh wow in a house! I really love the look of the first one, delish.
    xxx DJ

  19. In Penang, it's known as Hokkien Mee! Elsewhere in m'sia, it's known as Shrimp noodles, as their versions of Hokkien Mee means fried mee in soy sauce. HAhaha...

  20. ooooo....deliciousness...thanks for the well wishes Selby. I'm counting on you to help me celebrate the New Year in your part of the world in February???

  21. louise: I did wish the year wrong, didn't I? I've been wishing people the whole day "Happy New Year 2012" Hahaha....
    There'll be a celebration in February? Sounds great! Count me in :)
