Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tukang Sari Tebu (Sugar Cane Juice man)

Sugar Cane Juice is called as Air Tebu or Sari Tebu in Indonesia. It's quite easy to find the vendors selling it on the streets or also in the big malls. I like to drink it. Cold and sweet... Ah, it's so refreshing on a hot day. Definitely, it will quince the thirst :)

This is how the vendor get the fresh sugar cane juice.

Using a press machine
The extract of sugar cane juice need to be strained

It's ready in the drink container.

Refreshing!!! *slurp*

1 small plastic bag of sugar cane juice cost Rp. 2.000
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 8.500


  1. Oooh I do love your blog! Always so very interesting.

  2. jan: thank you so much for your compliments, Jan :)

  3. This looks like the streets of Glodok. Am I right? Hehehe. I saw a sugar cane in farmer's market today. There is no way I can press them down to extract the juice.

  4. pfx: Bingo!!! How do you know it's in Glodok? hehehe... Wow, so there's also sugar cane in Wellington? That's cool :)

  5. It's imported from China or something.
    There is not many place to get a decent jus tebu now, whilst in glodok it's still common findings. The jus tebu in the malls tastes like river water mixed with cow's poo.

  6. pfx: Oooh.. so the jus tebu in Wellington is bottled? River water mixed with cow's poo? How do you know the taste of cow's poo? *wondering* hahaha...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh nothing like yummy sugar can juice... especially on a hot day! :D

  9. How cool is that! I can just imagine the yumminess:) Thanks for sharing, Selba...

  10. dreamholiday: thanks for stopping by!

    LFB: Yup... true! :D

    louise: Hope that you can try it someday, Louise :)

  11. LOVE tebu! especially on a hot hot day, like today!

  12. cumi & ciki: It's so refreshing to drink it on a hot day :)

  13. i just stumbled upon your blog! *drools* and tebu, oh god i love tebu! XD

    thank you for sharing the blog, i will stalk this blog from now on XD

  14. ichnelle: thanks for dropping by :) Be a good stalker, OK! hehehe...
