Saturday, August 20, 2011

Nasi Tumpeng

In order to celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day last Wednesday, there was a competition to make Nasi Tumpeng at my work place.

It's interesting to see the creativeness. Some used white rice and even brown rice to make the Nasi Tumpeng, where usually yellow rice (white rice cooked in lightly seasoned coconut milk and turmeric) is used. If you are interested to learn more about Nasi Tumpeng, you can read here.


  1. Wuahh seru bener 17an pada tumpengan.
    Which one is yours? Did you make any?
    If only we have some in NZ. Hope you had a good 17an.

  2. PFx: It's a great fun of 17-an celebration. We had the tug of war, jumping sack, moving eel, eating kerupuk, futsal wearing saroong competitions :) All those nasi tumpeng are made by the JH and HS students.

  3. hey babe! very interesting post. Is this like the Nasi Tumpang fm kelantan in Malaysia?

  4. cumi & ciki: The Indonesian nasi tumpeng and nasi tumpang from Kelantan has a same idea, I guess :) But for the Indonesian, it's a big size and not for one individual to eat it only, more for a lot of people (usually nasi tumpeng ise being served during celebration).
