Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chocolate Chips Cookies with Almond

I love eating American chocolate chips cookies. Why I love it? The simple reason, it got a mixture of soft, chewy and crunchy texture. So far, I think all the chocolate chips cookies here in Indonesia are just crunchy. They are lack of the softness and chewiness which I think are the best parts of chocolate chips cookies.

I have a chocolate chips cookies recipe from my American grandma. And today, I baked! Strangely, the cookies came out flat. I'm not so sure why. They are not like the ones my grandma and I baked in the USA. Anyway, these cookies tasted yummy, seriously! Just give it a try :)


2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. salt
1 cup butter
2 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup chocolate chips (I only used 1/2 cup)
1 cup chopped almond (optional, can also use other kind of chopped nuts)

Combine flour, baking soda and salt in small bowl.
Beat butter, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla in large bowl.
Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition, gradually beat in flour mixture.
Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets.
Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown.
Let rest for 2 minutes.
Remove to wire racks to cool.


  1. ini jadinya crunchy atau soft baked? gak bisa pake micro oven ya? hikz.. nasib gak pny oven gede :)

    1. lens: Both! :) Jadi rasa atasnya tuh soft and chewy, tapi pinggirannya and bottomnya jadi crunchy. Uhmmm.. mustinya sih bisa kali yah pake micro oven, cuma ga yakin hasil akhirnya seperti apa. Ini aja "gagal", bentuknya jadi flat pdhal pake oven biasa. Tapi at least, rasanya tetep enak, itu yg penting khan? hehehe...

  2. Wow I'm going to try this, have been obsessing over chocolate chip cookies lately. These look yum, thanks for sharing the recipe Selby. And as always, your blog is kick-arse!
