Monday, September 10, 2012

Rasane Seafood

My ex-colleague wanted to treat me seafood for dinner. The Rasane Seafood restaurant became his option because of the famous smoked Crab.

Inside the restaurant

Grilled "Aji" fish - Ikan Aji bakar, 4.7 ons Rp. 58.750
Chili-  Rp. 3.250

Spicy sautee Morning Glory
Kangkung Lombok (Polos) Rp. 25.000
Fresh morning glory with crunchy texture but too spicy for me.

Smoked Male Crab
Kepiting Jantan Biasa - Asap  5.40 ons Rp. 113.400

Cooked with 17 spices then wrapped in banana leaves then smoked on flaming charcoal. Mostly people love eating this smoked crab. I like it but for me, it's nothing really something that I would shout about it.

Shrimp with salted egg
Udang Peci Telur Asin   Rp. 35.000
It's nice to try something different than the ordinary fried battered shrimp.

All prices are subjected to PB1 tax 10%
Current currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.500

Rasane Seafood & Ikan Bakar
Jl. Raya Greenville Blok AS-35
Jakarta Barat
Tel: 5696 1144/ 5696 1112

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. ooo looks delish.. i wanna try la!! :D

    1. ciki: Make sure to visit Jakarta again, ok ;)

  2. so expensive!! ordered the kepiting super i think and spend around 250 for one crab

  3. aris munandar: I guess most of seafood restaurants are very expensive these days, so for good price, we still get it at the seafood on the street ;)

  4. Wah, kmrn aku juga makan rasane... Pas banget menunya sama, kecewa banget sama porsinya yang kecil tapi mahal :(

    1. lovebbi suryanto: Oh.. sama yah? hehehe.. Emang kalo dipikir2 mahal banget yah harganya.

  5. Replies
    1. peachkins: yup.. but it tasted mediocre for the expensive prices ;)

  6. baru nyoba juga tapi yang di alam sutera, kurang suka & nothing special sih, daging kepitingnya pun hancur2 yah.. kamu gitu juga kah? btw, link blognya yah :) thanks

    1. lens: Daging kepitingnya sih engga hancur cuma you are right, nothing special about it... :P

    2. berarti pas lagi apes ya.. krn tmn gw yg makan di ancol juga gak dapet yang ancur tuh.. tapi gak nagih ya makan di situ :) better back to Bali Jimbaran huehehe..

    3. lens: Kalo gue... mendingan makan seafood di Kalimati, hehehe...

  7. Oh my, looks delicious Selba! The pictures made people,especially me, salivating! (but the food is expensive T_T)

    1. prawnche: Yeah... too bad, the seafood is too expensive :P

  8. Seafood plays a very important role in healthy diet. Freshwater fish is the seafood I like most.

    Frozen Seafood
