Saturday, August 3, 2013

Leo's Wood Fired Pizza

Inside the restaurant.

It should be my most perfect birthday dinner but guess what? It was my worst birthday I've ever had in my life so far.

Pizza is my favorite food. If anyone asks me what kind of food that I would eat for the rest of my life, my answer will definitely be pizza. But then, although there's pizza on my b'day dinner and the pizza at Leo's Wood Fired Pizza are so delicious, but I only had 2 slices of pizza and I was eating it under the drizzle. It was raining when I was there and we sat in the open air section of the restaurant (not in the inside section like the picture above). I was sick that day; actually even until today. I had cold - coughing and very bad sore throat. Besides, I was also too upset and sad because of many bad things happened that day. 

I wish I could go back to Leo's Wood Fired Pizza someday.

The pizza dough.


Pizza is coming out from the pizza wood fired oven.

Ready to be served.

Create your own pizza - base price - USD 7.95 (incl. mozzarella cheese)

Basic Toppings - USD 1.25 each
pepperoni, bacon, italian sausage, ham, red onion, mushrooms, roma tomatoes, fresh basil, jalapeno, artichoke hearts, bell pepper, black olives, pineapple, roasted garlic, mozzarella, cheddar, blue cheese, cream cheese.

Premium toppings - USD 1.75 each
grilled chicken shrimp crawfish tails, anchovies, roasted red peppers.

Leo's Wood Fired Pizza
1107 Governemnt St,
Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
Tel: 228.872.7283

Open daily at 11 am.

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Oh no, what happened that was so bad?? I was kind of following along and saw that you were having some issues before you got the US, but I'm not sure what happened afterward. (I'm also not sure what the purpose of your visit was exactly. It was some kind of program, right?)

    1. mica: It's an international summer children camp for cross-cultural friendship. There were 12 countries (2 boys and 2 girls aged 11 years old from each country) mingled all together for 28 days at the camp.
