Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dim Sum at Sun City Luxury Club

Last week, I had Dim Sum lunch together with my two colleagues at Sun City Luxury Club which located in the Jakarta China Town area known as Kota.

I really like the luxurious interior of this restaurant. The seating capacity is up to 2500 people. There are also VVIP and VIP rooms above the grand dining room.

Here are the dim sum that we ordered. 

Kue Lobak Goreng  - Rp. 21.800

Sio May udang campur babi - Rp. 25.800

Ha Kao udang - Rp. 25.800

Pai Kut dengan pare dan saos kacang hitam - Rp. 23.800

Bak Pao telur asin - Rp. 23.800

The filling are salted egg yolk and sweet condense milk.

Cakwe goreng isi udang babi dengan saus alpukat - Rp. 25.800

Kaki Ayam saus pedas- Rp.21.800
Each of us ordered this. Love these chicken feet!
Sharing it wouldn't be enough ;)

Cheong Fun Cakwe dengan saus kacang - Rp. 23.800

Pangsit Goreng Mayonnaise - Rp. 25.800

Pangsing rebus saus cuka (dumplings with black vinegar) - Rp. 23.800

Nasi Ketan Bungkus daun teratai - Rp. 21.800

Inside the lor mai kai.

Puff dengan Panggang Babi Madu - Rp. 23.800

Talas Goreng - Rp. 21.800



If you order fried rice, the chef will directly cook in front of you ;)
All prices are subjected to 10% tax and 5% service charge.
Current currency:
1 USD = Rp. 11.600
Monday - Friday: discount 50% for the dim sum.

Each of us were really satisfied with the dim sum and also the service. Definitely, we will come back again here for more dim sum :)

Sun City Luxury Club
Gedung Lindetives Trade Center 6th Floor
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 127
West Jakarta
Hotline: 62201900

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. i love eating dimsums at sun city! nice blog btw :)

    1. crystal tika: thanks for dropping by and your compliment about this blog :)
