Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rumah Makan Aceh Seulawah

If you are looking for Aceh food, then you can try at this famous Rumah Makan Aceh Seulawah in Bendungan Hillir - Central Jakarta area.

The restaurant might be not spacious and without any particular interior but the food tasted good.

Nasi Briani - Rp. 30.000
Love the aroma of the spices in this rice dish.

Bebek Gule - Rp. 25.000
A nice spicy curry sauce with succulent duck.

Kopi (black coffee) - Rp. 12.000
Timun Serut (grated cucumber) - Rp. 10.000
A bit too sweet but really refreshing.

My friends and I did not order for the specialty Mie Aceh because we already tried it during an exhibition and Rumah Makan Aceh Seulawah opened a stand.

Here is a glimpse of the ingredients and how to make Mie Aceh.

Noodles, shallot, garlic, spring onions, beansprout, cabbage, leek, mutton/beef, tomato, beef broth, salt, soy sauce.

How to cook.

The paste of spices is made of shallot, garlic, red chili, turmeric, cardamom, cumin.

Pickled shallots.

Mie Aceh - Rp. 22.000
served with cucumber, pickled shallot, crackers, fried shallot and a slice of lime.
 Current currency:
1 USD = Rp. 11.600

Rumah Makan Aceh Seulawah
Jl. Bendungan Hilir No. 8
Central Jakarta
Telp: 5708660

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Oooh, this looks like an interesting local find! :-) Like the sound of the Timun Serut; a very refreshing drink indeed; something I would want in this heat we are having now!:-P

    1. christy: Yes, the timun serut is a refreshing drink. Good for health too :)
