Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Home cooked during holiday

It’s holiday… but then mom and I are just stuck at home so we have been doing some cooking for our breakfast and lunch as you can see the pictures below, oh....... except the Lapis Philippine cake, that's a gift from a friend ;)

Tahu Goreng Isi eaten with green padi chili
This fried tofu is filled with carrot and bean sprout.

A. Baked macaroni with eggs and cheese
B. Corn pancake with red chili and shallot
C. Bauern Frühstück/ Farmer Breakfast
(Potato, egg, ham, sausage and onion)
D. Lapis Philippine cake

E. Honey pork ribs, olive oil potato, steamed carrots, fruit salad
F. Pork’s tail with cai sim pickle and ginger
G. Ice salad with mayonnaise, honey and lime juice
H. Fried fish and french fries with white sauce.

Left over from lunch, hehehe… :D


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Kafe Pisa

I was really craving for Italian food... thus I went to one of the famous Italian restaurants in Jakarta - Kafe Pisa.

Lasagna Al Forno Rp.60.500
Spaghetti Gindara Rp. 57.500
Mozzarella Frita Rp. 59.500
Pizza Marinara Rp. 78.500
1 cone gelato Rp. 21.500
Lemon juice Rp. 25.000
plus 10% tax + 5% service charge

1 USD = Rp. 11.000
1 Ringgit Malaysia = Rp. 3.000

So delicious and perfect for a Christmas eve lunch, completely satisfied :)

Wishing you all

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rumah Makan Sederhana

I've been eating at Padang Restaurants for the last 2 days in the row.

Yesterday, I had nasi padang at restaurant Garuda and today, I had it at Rumah Makan Sederhana.

At Garuda, there are more assortment but it's more expensive than Rumah Makan Sederhana.

As usual, I really enjoy the performance how the waiter is carrying the food to the table :) Sorry, the pictures kinda blur, the waiters weren't really cooperative since they must move and serve the food fast.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jajanan Pasar Singkong

Mom bought jajanan pasar singkong from the wet market for breakfast :)

It's wrapped in an old newspapers and banana leaf.

Jajanan = snacks
Pasar = market
Singkong = cassava

The main ingredient of this snack is made from cassava then the topping is steamed grated coconut and salt.

It only cost Rp. 2.000 (less than 20 cents or 1 RM)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ketan Bakar

I called the Panasonic service centre and found out that my lumix digicam is fixed already! Yay! So, during lunch time, I went to pick it up.

On my way back to the office, I saw this guy selling Ketan Bakar which is roasted glutinous rice with sugar and dried coconut.

Happy to buy a slice of Ketan Bakar and able to use my digicam again :)


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Manado Food

Yesteday, I went together with colleagues to a restaurant that serves Manado food for lunch but then at the end, I decided only to have dessert.

Manado food is seriously very hot and spicy! If you have a sensitve stomach, I don't recommend you to eat Manado food. FYI, most of Manado restaurants are serving dog and bat meat.

My colleagues had sour hot fish, chicken turmeric with potatoes, papaya’s flower, corn pancakes and 2 kind of chilies.

See... even for the dessert, the fried banana is eaten with anchovy chili.
pisang goreng
The red bean with durian ice mixed together with chocolate condence milk is so unbelievable yummy :)
p.s: my digicam is broken and still at the service centre, thus I used my old SE handphone to take pictures :(

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bakmi Asui

This morning, I bought noodles from a noodle shop - Bakmi Asui, only 2 blocks from my house. It’s always very crowded especially in the morning. The meat is chicken and we can choose whether we want the breast or thigh part. It's a bit different than the other noodles because they give fresh lettuce and the chili sauce, it’s made from those very hot small green chilies.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cafe Batavia

Located in the old town of Jakarta, Cafe Batavia is famous for its authentic decor from the colonial Dutch time in 19th century where Western and Chinese food are being served.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Homecooked: baked potato & pork

Yesterday, while browsing the internet, I found a recipe of baked potato with mustard. I love eating potato and also mustard, so I think it’s a good idea to give a try and eat it for today's lunch together with fried pork. But then, I forgot to write down the recipe and can’t remember in which website was the recipe.

Anyway, I tried my best to remember the ingredients but still I believe some ingredients are lacked. Well, this is how I made the baked potato with mustard. First, I boiled 4 potatoes for about 15 minutes; next, I cut them in cubes and added 1/2 of a granny smith apple which I already cut into small sizes. Then I mixed the potatoes and apple with a sauce that contains mustard, chopped garlic, oregano, salt and extra virgin olive oil. I put in the oven toaster for 15 minutes.

As soon as the potatoes went to the oven toaster, I moved to the pork. I wanted to make fried pork. I seasoned the pork with pepper, nutmeg and … oops… a big mistake! I added salt into the seasoning. I shouldn’t put the salt because it caused the juice from the meat came out as you can see in the picture. Still can fried the pork but it wouldn’t taste nice and tender, therefore, I made a little modification. I fried some onion with garlic, after that I put the seasoned pork into the frying pan.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mr. Pancake

A pancake restaurant in a new junction called Pluit Junction.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cooking Demo by Bobby Chinn

Bobby Chinn - the celebrity chef and also known as the host of "World Cafe Asia" that airs on Discovery Travel & Living channel, has invited me personally to see his cooking demo and lunch at the Scusa restaurant in InterContinental Jakarta Hotel.


Cooking Demo


Another post of Scusa: New a la carte Menu at Scusa

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Authentic restaurants

Yesterday, I went together with a producer, a director and 2 production house's staff of a food program from Discovery Travel & Living channel to check out some authentic restaurants in Jakarta.

Kedai Tiga Nyonya

Lara Djongrang
jakarta 29 copy

Kembang Goela

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bakmi GM

The best place for noodles in Jakarta. It has opened since more than 50 years ago. The noodles are made manually by hand.
I love the deep fried wonton dip into the sour sweet sauce. It's a must to eat whenever you are eating at Bakmi GM.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Rumah Makan Garuda khas Minang/Melayu

Eating at a Padang restaurant can be really remarkable, not only because of the delicious food but also the waiter's attraction bringing the dishes onto the table :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pulau Dua

To fulfill, my ex-boss craving of Indonesian food which is ikan bakar (grilled fish) with Indonesian spices, we went for dinner at Pulau Dua seafood restaurant.

Food court

Sunday noon, I met my ex-boss from the US in Plaza Senayan. After some walking around and shopping, we went for lunch. My ex-boss was craving for Indonesian food because she has left Indonesia for more than 10 years, in the other hand, I was craving for Japanese food. Thus, we decided to go to the food court where we could find our desired food. She had her nasi uduk and me, I got my sushi. Both of us, were satisfied with our food :)

My Sushi from Ichiban Sushi
Nasi Uduk from Koedoes

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Home cooked

I usually like to cook simple dishes during the weekends :)


Last weekend, mom cooked Rawon. Rawon is meat soup using "klewek" spice. Originally, Rawon is an East Java dish, eaten with white rice, bean sprout, kerupuk and also telur asin (salty duck egg).

 The ingredients:

The cooking:
