There are several kind of rujaks in Indonesia.
So far, I already posted 2 kind of rujak before which are:
- "Rujak Cingur" which contains the slices of cooked buffalo's or cow's nose, if you are interested to read it, please click HERE .
- "Rujak Tumbuk" or "Rujak Bèbèk" which is a mashed fruit salad. You can click HERE to read it. However since the pictures was taken in a mall; therefore, I will blog the one that is being sold on the streets.
For today post it will be:- The "Ordinary Rujak" and I'm posting it together with "Rujak Serut" (shredded rujak).
The coming posts of rujak beside the "Rujak Tumbuk" will be:
- "Rujak Juhi" contains of salted cuttlefish (juhi) as the top ingredient.
- "Rujak Potong" is rujak of limited fruit and usually eaten with mixed salt and ground red chili.
Then there are other rujak that I might post someday, i.e:
- "Rujak Pengantin" (bridegroom rujak) which is more like gado-gado with mayonnaise as an extra ingredient in the the peanut sauce.
- "Rujak Shanghai" is a rujak created by the Indonesian Chinese community. The main ingredients are cuttlefish (cumi-cumi) and sea cucumber (teripang). The peanut sauce is mixed with pineapple juice.
- "Rujak Petis" (shrimp paste rujak).
Okiedokie... Now, let's start with the ordinary Rujak :)

The preparation of cutting the fruits.
The common fruits in ordinary rujak are water apple (jambu air), raw mangoes (mangga muda), jicama (bangkoang), pineapple (nanas), raw sweet potato (ubi merah), cucumber (ketimun), ambarella (kedondong), local green apple (apel Malang) and pomelo (jeruk Bali).

As you can see on the top, there's a big ice cube to keep the fruits fresh and cold.

The main dressing for this Rujak is this sweet sour tick spicy peanut sauce made from ground brown/coconut sugar (gula jawa ), crushed fried peanuts (kacang goreng), tamarin water (air asam jawa), stone banana (pisang batu), shrimp paste (terasi ), red chili (cabe merah) and lobi-lobi.

Grind the stone banana together with salt

But then, we also have the shedder ones called "Rujak Serut"

The fruits are sheddered into thin slices.

The final look of the ordinary rujak with the brown sugar sauce plus crashed peanut.

Oh.. btw, Sam from My Carolina Kitchen has passed me this Sisterhood Award. Thank you so much, Sam!

The Sisterhood Award is an award from bloggers to bloggers in recognition of a blog spot which shows attitude and/or gratitude.
I would love to pass this award to:
- Katherine Aucoin from Smokey Mountain Cafe
- Mica from Mica Pie
- Pearl from fresh&pure- Burp and Slurp
Have a nice week ahead, everyone! :)